By accessing the website at and contacting us, you confirm that you have read and understand the Policy on This privacy, information collection and processing principles are presented therein.

The Privacy Policy was first updated on September 14, 2018. We may change this Policy from time to time, so Please check back regularly for any updates.


Privacy Policy

Charitable Foundation “Health is number 1” is a charitable fund established by the following organizations and individuals: ONE HEALTH LLC, HONG DUC GENERAL HOSPITAL LLC and Mr. Nguyen Huynh Nguyen Thach.

Charitable Foundation “Health is number 1”  operates not for profit, for the purpose of:

  • Mobilize all financial, property, and material resources of society to care for children and assist the poor and elderly in particularly difficult circumstances in disease treatment.< /li>
  • Sponsoring for organizations, schools, orphanages, and remote areas… implement a number of action program goals for the health of children and the community.
  • Sponsoring press agencies and media agencies (television agencies) with finance, assets and materials for health care activities for children in difficult circumstances, children with disabilities, children who are victims of Agent Orange, children in mountainous areas, remote areas, revolutionary base areas and natural disaster areas…


This Privacy Policy describes in detail our policy and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information about you. .

We understand that providing information online requires a lot of trust from you. We take this trust very seriously and place a high priority on ensuring the safety and security of the personal information you provide to us when you visit the Website or contact us. us.

  • What information do we collect from you
  • How we use your information
  • How long do we keep your information
  • Your rights and choices regarding the collection and use of your information
  • Children's privacy
  • External links
  • Changes to this Privacy Policy
  • How can you contact us

What information do we collect from you

General information

We receive and store all information that you enter on our website or provide to us in other ways. This information includes information that can be used to identify You as an individual or to contact You directly (”personal information”).”personal information”).”personal information”). /p>

Personal information includes information you provide to us such as full name, phone number, mailing address and email address, name user and password and your payment information (such as your credit card number, cardholder name and card expiration date). You can choose not to provide personal information to us, but usually, some information about you is required so that you can receive trust from both parties as well as partners. of the Health Charity Foundation is number 1. In addition, some information is required so that you can ask us questions or initiate other transactions on our website.

We may also collect other information such as your IP address, information that identifies your device and website browsing history. to the extent that information refers to You.

Security for WEBSITE

You will have the opportunity to provide contact information and information related to the Charitable Foundation “Health is Number 1” to others through our Website. When providing or copying links, you must comply with the principle of preservation and integrity of the link address. Prohibited include: behaviors, use of images, website information, volunteer programs, campaigns